Sunday, March 24, 2019


It was in 2007 when I first visited Bohol; it was purely a "chillax" experience since we were enjoying the beach life for 2 whole days. We only have few pictures as souvenirs. We stayed at Dumaluan beach resort which is  adjacent to Bohol Beach Club, the most famous beach resort at that time. My vivid memories of Bohol beach is the crystal clear water with lots of fishes even at the swimming area near the shoreline. One can clearly see the fish above the water surface and even without goggles. I have been to more than 20 beaches and islands here in the Philippines (plus the Kota Kinabalu beach) and I could say that Bohol has the clearest crystal clear water based on my judgement.

This 2019, due to a company convention,I was able to go back to Bohol for the 2nd time around. Since I have not seen the famous Chocolate hills and the tarsier in 2007 due to my beach bum mode, I see to it that it will be part of my itinerary on my 3 days stay in Bohol.

Much has changed from 2007 to 2019 (after more than a decade), the water along the shore was not the same with how I described it way back years ago. Despite this change, I had a wonderful and unique experience with my officemates since we stayed a Hennan Resort. It is a premier 5 star beach resort which is the preference of local celebrities based on my instagram newsfeed.