I aspire to get more stamina and cross-train like that of a triathlete. I usually prefer high intensity workouts; I do get bored on the usual thread mill runs and on slow moving exercises, such as yoga. This 2015, part of my fitness goal is to have a variation on my exercise,sports and recreation.
I am a beach lover who often seeks adventure through island hopping and water sports activities, but I want to confess that I am not a swimmer. Better late than never, I started my Swimming lessons through the help of my friend who has a training background from Lozada's swimming school. Now, I am practicing (1) survival swim (2) breast stroke and (3) free style swimming. Later on, I will try how to tread water on pools with above 5 feet water depth and on deep sea (i.e.open water swimming)
Swim-Bike-Run, I am fascinated with the endurance possessed by all triathletes and swimmers, particularly the stamina of Browlee Brothers and Michael Phelps. Phelps, aside from his famous 12,000 calorie a day diet, is an icon when it comes to self-discipline. For five years straight, he has not missed out a training day, even during his birthday.Aside from this well decorated Olympian champion, I also admire our young local sports enthusiasts. Celebrity Isabelle Daza has created a documentary video of her pre-triathlon training days to inspire women to be strong, fit and healthy.(Please watch these videos).
(CBS News."The Golden Boy."YouTube. September 20,2010)
(Narciso,Dondi. "Going the Distance".YouTube. February 16, 2014 )
Even the local athletes featured in the Multisports Magazine shows how healthy lifestyle can change you for the best. Their motivational stories inspire me to have my fitness training regularly.

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