Thursday, December 21, 2023

Texas Cowboys

I was fortunate to be able to plan well my vacation in the US and visit my cousin living in Dallas, Texas. It's surreal to be able to fly with Southwest Airlines from Oakland to Dallas. Some memories of my college life were the business cases of no frills, cheap flight, and peanut snacks of Southwest. During my flight, peanuts were no longer served but i really enjoyed the simplicity of boarding and seat anywhere (like in boarding a bus).

Dallas is a beautiful clean city with a different vibe compared to California. The highways are wide and when you go farther to Grand Prairie, the wide landscape will welcome you. The weather in Dallas was hot that time, I felt i was in Philippines. The weather in Texas as what my cousin told me is either extreme hot or extreme cold. 

What i love the most during my sightseeing are the beautiful big houses "mansions" in Texas that i only see in movies/netflix. Most houses do not have gates and are open.

The best experience for tourists is the AT&T stadium tours, the home of the Dallas Cowboys. Its my first time to tour inside a football stadium and learn about American sports. Its was a long walking tour but definitely enjoyable and a must try

Texas is known for their best  brisket barbecues. Its super tasty and the meat seems to melt in your mouth. 

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